Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Book club

Last night we had book club at Chrissy's apartment, which is coincidentally is the apartment above the one that Ryan and I lived in for 2 years. It was weird being in the building, but I don't miss it at all! The book that we read was called The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell. It was a quick read with a lot of twists! I would recommend it to people who love to read! The best part about book club is the company though. I never really hung out or knew Haley, Chrissy or Wendy that well while we were sorority sisters at Gettysburg, but getting to know them has been really fun and easy. I look forward to many months of fun talks and get togethers! We are going to miss Wendy though as she is getting ready to move back to NC with Greg to their new home! We missed Becky last night, and I hope that her foot heals soon. I am really excited thought that book club has seem to taken this time and the books that we are reading are all really fun and interesting with a lot to talk about. This month we are going to read Pope Joan by Donna Cross. The author will actually call in and talk to your book club if you want! Thanks Jodi for the recommend! I will let everyone know how it goes!

In other exciting news, I don't have Jeffrey any more because Tracey gave birth to Cooper last night. He is 4 weeks early, but mom and baby seem to be doing well. He was over 7 pounds already! I am looking forward to meeting him soon! Congrats Tracey and Jeff!!