Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

I love Thanksgiving! It is my favorite Holiday of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas spirit and all of the decorations, but Thanksgiving just makes me happy. I think that it is so nice to get together with family and enjoy one another. I also love the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. I would love to go to it one year with the kids. I also love that there is no pressure for anything but quality time on Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for my amazing family. Everyday my children are growing and learning and just amazing me with all that they are able to do. I love to watch them and experience life through them all over again. I love their little smiles and big hugs and the way they are confident that Daddy and I still have all the answers. I love the way they smell after bath time and the way they fit just right when we cuddle. I love everything about my children, even when they are trying my patience. I just adore them! I am thankful for a wonderful husband who loves me more than I ever thought anyone would. I love that he is so good with the kids and he would rather be with us than anywhere else. I am so thankful that he goes to work everyday and works so hard for his family. I am thankful that we are so different because we bring out things in one another that we would not experience with out one another. I love him so much and I am so happy we are raising this family together.

I am thankful for our home. It is nothing extravagant and has a lot that needs to be done to it, but it fits us just fine. It keeps us sheltered and warm and it feels homey to me. I love that our kids have a stable place that they can call home and know that they are safe and loved in.

I love that I have a strong faith in God and his son Jesus Christ. I know that I have a long way to walk in my faith, but I know that our heavenly father loves us very much and is watching over us. We are so blessed to know that we have him.

I am grateful for all my amazing friends. Some of them I don't talk to or see all that often, but they are all wonderful and I am so lucky that they have all touched my life. I am thankful for all of my new friends and that we are able to support one another through things that we are all going through with our families or us personally. They are all such amazing people that I don't know what I would do without.

I think that I also love Thanksgiving because I love the anticipation of the Holiday season. I love the sights and sounds and smells. I love the warm feeling that I get when we are cuddling together at night reading Christmas stories next to the tree. I just love this time of year!!

Sorry this post was so long and on going... I am thankful for all of you that I keep in touch with through this blog too!!