Wednesday, March 12, 2008

American Idol

So in the midst of the writers strike there was nothing to watch and we got addicted to American Idol again! The last time we actually watched was when Carrie Underwood won. Everyone I know is a huge David Archuleta fan, but I honestly have to say I am not. I think the kid has an amazing voice and has the potential to be something big when he matures. But last night he was awful! He completely botched the song up and forgot the lyrics! Ahhhh.... I think that he is probably going to move on because of all the people who vote on people not performances, and I just pray he does better next week!

I do have one contestant that I love though! I love Brooke White. I think the fact that she is so real and vulnerable and puts all the cards on the table is amazing because you don't see that much. She is also an amazing performer and has a great voice. I love that she incorporates instruments into her performances too. I liked a few others too last night, but these were my polar opposites!