Friday, February 22, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who was worried with us and so supportive through Reese's surgery today. She came through with flying colors. She was such a brave girl and did not cry at all! I think it was harder on Daddy and I. I have to say it was that hardest thing I ever had to do holding my baby as she was put under anesthesia and her body completely going limp and then laying her on the operating table. I kept it together, but I will always remember the feeling of leaving her in the very good hands of the doctor and feeling so awful. I know that we did the best thing for her and she did so well and less than an hour later she was in our arms again. She impresses me so much. After recovery and she was released we were able to get her meds and we got her a happy meal from McDonald's (which she completely scarfed down!). When we got home, and after she ate lunch, she just played for a couple hours and now our very tired, brave girl is taking a nap! Thank you to Mom and Dad who are taking such good care of our little man today! It has been nice to not have to worry about him and knowing he is being completely spoiled and loved! Thank you again for all of the support we got for Reese!


Jodi said...

Oh my gosh- I haven't logged onto your blog all week and then read this! I am so happy that Reese is doing great. I know that it is a somewhat minor thing, but I know that I would have been a mess! Good job on staying strong!