Friday, January 18, 2008

True love

Last night after coming in from the cold and stripping of the layers of winter wear, Turner came over to me and said "hold me Mommy!". He has recently begun to do that more recently and he sat with me for almost an hour. If I would let my hands loosen a little, he would put them back on his belly and say, "No hold me". As I was watching him, and cuddling with him I started to tear up. Looking at him and Reese, I just can't believe how much I love them. It is a love so strong, that if you don't have kids you will never understand! My kids showed me what true, unconditional love is, and I hope I am able to do the same for them!


thebrose said...

Brooke, you always do show them unconditional love and you always will. They are very lucky to have a mommy like you.