Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow Day!

Yesterday we had about 3-4 inches of snow! It was sooo much fun to take the kids out and play! Turner loved it, and Reese not so much!

What is this????


I love the snow!!

I don't like this either!

Turner sliding down the hill!

The cruelty my parents put me through!

Our house in the snow:)

Mommy caught me beginning to enjoy it!!

After we played in the snow we came inside and Reese was wearing some of her favorite hats and headbands! We love them sooo much that I ordered her some bigger hats and more headbands and bows! If you like them to you can get them at:

Reese also has a Tutu from there that we love too! I will have to play dress up with her this weekend and post photos for everyone!

Soooo Cute!

I love this headband!


Jodi said...

Yeah- the hats are sooo cute! I love the big flowers. I can't wait to see the tutu.

Kathryn said...

Love the hat! I just checked out the site and got a hat for my nieces birthday - thanks for posting the link!