Saturday, January 26, 2008


Ryan and I have had an incredibly stressful week, but we survived and are stronger because of it! It was not stress between the two of us, however I am really start to discover that when outside stress affect my life, I allow them to overcome me. I find that I have much less patience for my children and I become more demanding and unfriendly with Ryan. I know that for the rest of my life I am going to have stress, but I hope that by recognizing how I handle it I will be able to make improvements to myself and find different ways of relieving it and relating to the people I love the most.

(It also does not help that my Turner told me he liked to make me sad and he wanted to make me cry... oh the terrible twos!!! Then five minutes later he made up by running over and asking me for a "mommy hug" :-) )