Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beautiful Weather

The weather yesterday and today is absolutely incredible! It is between 60 and 70 and sunny! Tracey and I took the kiddos to the park yesterday to play. There is one that is walking distance from my house that is not as nice as the other ones we go to, but it is nice enough to go to when I have more than just my kids. Turner was a crazy man throwing wood chips everywhere, but he had a great time. Reese got to go down the slides for the first time, and she loved it! She loved climbing up the stairs and then I would have to bring her back down so that she could do it all over again. I can't believe that it is the middle of January and we are going to the park with light weight jackets on! It is crazy! I have the Klein girls today, and we are all going to walk to the park when they all wake up from their naps!