Monday, April 28, 2008

Long time!

Wow a week can seem like a long time! I feel like the last time I posted it was forever ago, but it really was only a week ago! Last Tuesday we took Sadie to the vet for further testing, and it came back that she has to have surgery. The ultrasound said that she does not have a shunt inside of her liver, but they could not find one outside, which does not mean that there is not one there. Her blood work came back really high in levels of something (vet talk) that means that she probably has a external liver shunt that they cannot see yet. All this means is that they are ordering a special part, bringing in a specialist, and going in to do an exploratory surgery, hopefully fixing the problem and spaying her at the same time! This is all going to happen the third week of May. She is gaining wait with the special food that she is on, so I hope that continues! We will let you know how it all turns out!

Turner is pretty much potty trained now. He has only had about 2-3 accidents in the past 2 weeks, which is amazing!!!! We are so proud of him! He is really doing a great job!! :)

Reese is beginning to talk a little bit more. I absolutely love getting to know her more and more everyday. She is so cute and has a really sweet sense of humor. The most amazing thing that I have been able to experience as a parent is seeing my two children play together and really love one another. They absolutely love one another, and even though they fight like siblings usually do, there love for one another shines right through. I am getting emotional because as a Mom, I could not ask for anything more!

Well, I am going to finish watching Dancing with the Stars and wait for Ry to get home from school! I will update again later this week with some pics, hopefully!


Jodi said...

I am finally back in blogging world too. But I was not on for almost a month- time got away I guess! I am sorry to hear about your dog-:( But everything else seems to be going well!