Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great Day!!

So after a not so successful weekend of trying to potty train, I decided we were going to try again today. The catch is that Haley and I decided to train all three of the kids together. I was a little concerned about how it was going to go, but it was GREAT!! Laney started out by going pee in the potty and Turner saw that she got a little treat and a sticker for her shirt and one for the chart. He looked right at me and says "Mommy Turner needs to go pee, then he gets a treat too". He walked over, sat down, went pee and was sooo excited! He got a treat and stickers too! YAY! The two of them did awesome all morning! They both went both in the potty, wore diapers to nap and both woke up dry and used the potty again! Alie had a few accidents this morning, but after naps she went poo in the potty! I could not have asked for a more successful start to this new adventure! Ryan keeps saying he thinks I am amazing, but I keep telling him its not me, all of our (both ambrose and klein)kids are the amazing ones! They have a little competition going now, who can go the most! I think they really like the treats!! (m-n-m's and stickers!!) Anyway, that is my great news for the day! I am soooo very proud of all of them! They are such great kiddos! :)


HB said...

You are amazing...just for attempting to have three potty training toddlers at your house, let alone doing it successfully!