Sunday, April 20, 2008

Emotional week

We have had what I would call an extremely emotional week. First off, Turner has continued to do an amazing job at potty training, including telling us when he has to go even when we are in public. It has really been much easier to potty train him than I thought it was going to be. When he is in his big boy underwear, we have had no accidents. He wears a pull up to nap and bed, but other than that he is exclusively using the potty! For those of you non-parents that read my blog I am sorry if this is less than exciting for you, but for those of you parents you know what I am talking about! I cannot believe how amazing he has been this week! I am soooo proud of him! (This is what I would consider the exciting and emotional highs of the week!)

We took our 5 month old puppy, Sadie, and our chihuahua, Kaden, to the vet on Wed. for routine shots and such. Well Sadie is not gaining weight well at all, so the vet did some blood work on her. It turns out that they are pretty sure she has a liver shunt. That is that there is a shunt that forces blood to not enter the liver. All dogs have this before birth, but it goes away before they are born. Well it appears that Sadie's has not. If it an external shunt (one outside the liver), there is a surgery that they can do to remedy the problem. If it is inside the liver there is little that they can do and she probably will not make it. We have her on a low protein food right now that she is devouring. The liver is responsible for breaking down the protein in body, so since hers is not functioning it means that there are toxins poisoning her. Since she is getting a lot less protein, she is much more energetic, eating a lot more and being more like a puppy! We are hoping that this continues! She is going in for more blood tests and an ultrasound to try to figure out where the shunt is on Tuesday. We are really praying that this is all stuff that the vet is going to be able to fix! If anyone knows us, they know that our pets are our children and we love them unbelievably much! (this is the emotional low of the week)

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! We went to Home Depot and then to see Ryan's brother play baseball at Towson University (Jeff plays club ball for the university of MD). Then we had a nice dinner as a family. Today Ryan's mom was going to come over and we were going to have a girls movie afternoon, but she called last night to blow me off to go see another of Jeff's games today. So instead I hung out with Ryan. He got me Juno (one of my new fav movies!!) for being super mom and potty training the Turner! Linda had wanted to see it, and since I had such a crummy week I was really looking forward to seeing it again with her. Oh well, Marge is coming back from FL tonight! I bet she is going to be up for some girls movie night! (sorry if I seem in a crummy mood... I am kind of because of the long week!)


pianogirlrach said...

Hang in there! I'll be thinkinb about you guys and Sadie tomorrow.